Sponsored Legislation
Prime-Sponsored Legislation:
A00240 Provides for protections regarding consumer litigation funding A00244 Provides for sick leave to employees following a miscarriage or stillbirth A01870 Includes senior citizens as vulnerable populations eligible for supportive housing A01877 Grants real property tax abatement to rent-controlled or rent regulated properties when the maximum authorized rent exceeds 1/2 of the tenants' household income A03020 Provides for electronic credentials A03028 Allows domestic insurers to make certain records available by electronic means A03036 Prohibits the release of certain records of victims of police violence by a coroner, coroner's physician or medical examiner A03037 Places a moratorium on tax lien sales in N.Y. city due to the financial hardships placed on property owners as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic A03039 Requires credit reporting agencies to furnish proof of identity theft to creditors upon debtor's request A03042 Modifies the effect of termination of criminal actions and proceedings against a minor A03048 Relates to public adjuster disclosures and financial or ownership interests A03062 Creates the New York state entrepreneurial training act A03075 Provides an exemption from state sales tax for energy star appliances and grants municipalities the option to provide such exemption A03077 Relates to modular construction work A03097 Provides for the establishment of police training high schools in certain city school districts and provides for further education and employment A03099 Relates to an order upon termination of criminal action in favor of the accused A03102 Conforms the definition of an incarcerated individual with a serious mental illness to the definition of "person with a serious mental illness" in the mental hygiene law A03110 Relates to controlled substances and indeterminate sentences; to the expansion of merit time; repealer A03182 Relates to the justification for the use of force in a homicide by a peace officer or police officer A03227 Authorizes the correctional association to inspect residential juvenile detention facilities A03486 Relates to the stock transfer tax A03488 Requires notification to insureds that an out-of-network physician may be used in their procedure, test or surgery A03492 Increases the penalties for overtaking and passing a school bus A03495 Establishes a tax credit for certain volunteers who provide at least twenty-five hours of service during the year A03625 Imposes a tax on the transfer of certain real property within two years of the prior transfer of such property A03642 Prohibits the release of certain records of victims of police violence by a police agency, prosecutorial agency or other law enforcement agency A03651 Relates to establishing minimum rules for the treatment of incarcerated individuals A03652 Relates to the modification of the procedure for interviews of parole applicants and to the disclosure of parole applicant records A03931 Relates to enacting "Sahim's law" A04348 Requires the educational and vocational credits earned by incarcerated individuals are transferable upon release A04422 Relates to extending provisions requiring certain deposits to the criminal justice discovery compensation fund A04423 Clarifies that individuals have the ability to vote by absentee ballot where their maximum sentence of imprisonment has expired A04440 Relates to claims for unjust conviction A04442 Establishes a certificate of restoration; repealer A04445 Relates to tax lien foreclosure A04871 Establishes the chief administrator of the courts shall submit annually a report on the Drug Treatment Court Program during the preceding year A04874 Prohibits the sale of mature and violent video games to minors A05283 Authorizes the correctional association to inspect residential juvenile detention facilities A05300 Relates to the manner in which certain provisions of the correction law are enforced A05418 Relates to the limited credit time allowances for certain incarcerated individuals A05459 Relates to educational leave for eligible incarcerated individuals A05741 Provides for a cap on the credit service charge computed and collected on a retail instalment contract A05742 Establishes an EBT card replacement program A05743 Imposes a tax on out-of-state transfers, dividends, payments, and loans by certain accident and health insurance companies and health maintenance organizations A05747 Creates a temporary state commission concerning the incidence of asthma in Brooklyn A05812 Requires braille labeling in dwellings in public housing projects in the state A05813 Requires background checks prior to employment in a position involving substantial contact with children while dressed as a children's character A05819 Relates to certain information provided to incarcerated individuals upon their release A05822 Provides for requirements for the rental of helmets A05823 Ensures public safety announcements are accessible to visually impaired individuals A05829 Requires registering with the sex offender registry no later than five days after any change of address A05929 Prohibits employment discrimination against persons whose criminal charges have been adjourned in contemplation of dismissal A05941 Relates to the removal of incarcerated individuals diagnosed with mental illness to a residential mental health treatment unit A05942 Relates to release on medical parole for certain incarcerated individuals A05945 Permits the use of portable electronic devices for making phone calls by incarcerated individuals A05948 Relates to medical parole A05955 Authorizes a study by the department of corrections and community supervision pertaining to the treatment of aging prison populations A05957 Relates to confidential hearing records A05982 Directs the department of corrections and community supervision to conduct a comprehensive study on deaths in correctional facilities within New York state A05989 Provides for automatic issuance of identification cards to incarcerated individuals and assistance with obtaining copies of certain documents A06599 Establishes the office of chief medical examiner A06600 Relates to preventing retaliation against incarcerated individuals following the filing of a grievance A06644 Relates to degree-granting programs offered by SUNY's office of higher education in prison A06651 Relates to the evidentiary standard for evidentiary and disciplinary hearings
Prime-Sponsored Legislation, Introduced by Rules
on Behalf of the Member:
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Co-Sponsored Legislation:
Co-Sponsored Legislation, Introduced by Rules
on Behalf of the Member:
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Multi-Sponsored Legislation:
Multi-Sponsored Legislation, Introduced by Rules
on Behalf of the Member:
There are no bills of this type.