Sponsored Legislation
Prime-Sponsored Legislation:
A00022 Prohibits the sale of entertainment vapor products A00026 Prohibits Medicaid from requiring prior authorization for certain HIV medications A00099 Requires instruction in senior high schools regarding calling 911 when witnessing or experiencing a drug or alcohol overdose A00100 Requires electronic cigarette packaging to include a warning that the product may pose an explosion hazard A00102 Prohibits the removal of managed natural landscapes A00104 Provides for evidence that proves or tends to prove that a victim has been convicted of a prostitution offense shall not be admissible A00106 Relates to increasing the standards of monthly need and home energy grant amounts for persons in receipt of public assistance A00107 Relates to establishing animals as sentient beings A00108 Relates to the standards of monthly need for persons in receipt of public assistance A00119 Requires teachers and library media specialists to complete professional development related to media literacy education A00120 Directs the commissioner of education to appoint a media literacy advisory group to study the teaching of media literacy; requires such group to survey all school districts A00121 Requires pre-admission notification of policies authorizing the refusal to follow directives in health care proxies that are contrary to a hospital's operating principles A00138 Relates to providing a tax credit for spay or neuter services A00140 Relates to prohibiting animal hatching projects in schools A00141 Regulates the sale of oral nicotine pouches A00142 Relates to establishing a mollusk shell recycling tax credit A00145 Relates to eligibility of tax credits based on a corporation's record of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and discrimination among and between employees of such corporation A00147 Relates to the disclosure of online advertisements by electronic cigarette companies A00149 Relates to epinephrine devices in schools A00150 Directs the commissioner of education to appoint a media literacy advisory committee to study the teaching of media literacy; requires such committee to annually review policy on media literacy A00153 Enacts the "total access to menstrual products (TAMP) act" A00156 Relates to the use of smart access systems and the information that may be gathered from such systems A00162 Relates to the provision of legal representation to certain persons in eviction, ejectment and foreclosure proceedings A00165 Relates to outdoor restraints of dogs A00166 Relates to securing payment of wages for work already performed; creates an employee lien A00170 Requires the metropolitan transportation authority to post signage over mass transit seats indicating that individuals should give up their seats for the elderly, pregnant and disabled A00181 Creates a task force on animal laws A00183 Provides for the licensing of genetic counselors; creates the state board for genetic counseling A00184 Requires epinephrine auto-injector devices at children's overnight, summer day and traveling summer camps A00186 Prohibits tail docking of cattle A00188 Relates to the statute of limitations for actions based on employment discrimination A00189 Relates to the supervision of certain limited profit housing companies A00273 Prohibits the sale or distribution of electronic cigarettes lacking federal food and drug administration premarket order of approval A00274 Increases the tax imposed on the sale of certain tobacco products and the retail sale of vapor products A00290 Relates to providing sexual harassment training to undergraduate and graduate student interns A00420 Increases the New York state housing finance agency bonding authority A00430 Requires certain health insurance policies to cover scalp cooling systems for the preservation of hair during cancer chemotherapy treatment; repealer A00434 Relates to amending provisions requiring the termination of connected vehicle services upon the request of a domestic violence victim A00599 Relates to the definition of serious offense and felony offenses against animals for purposes of possession of a firearm A00602 Relates to prohibitions on single-use plastic straws and stirrers in restaurants A00603 Requires electronic cigarettes and e-liquids to have nicotine levels which automatically taper off A00604 Relates to instruction in food, agriculture and nutrition in elementary and high school A00606 Relates to requiring advertisements to disclose the use of a synthetic performer A00607 Relates to mandatory biennial CPR training for home care service workers A00609 Requires coverage for delivery through store and forward technology A00620 Relates to drugged driving A00621 Relates to permitting support to a vulnerable elderly person testifying in grand jury proceedings A00626 Relates to the procedure for filling a vacancy in the office of state senator or in the office of member of assembly A00628 Legalizes adult possession and use of certain natural plant or fungus-based hallucinogens A00629 Relates to establishing the tenancy deposit protection program A00630 Prohibits tethering, restraining, caging or penning of dogs outside between the hours of 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. A00631 Establishes a tax credit for the cost of veterinary services A00633 Relates to reimbursement of costs associated with capture and return rehabilitation of animals escaped from slaughterhouses A00637 Relates to creating a tax credit for the adoption of household pets from animal shelter or humane society A00640 Relates to the creation of a court appointed advocate for animals A00641 Requires sexual harassment training for hotel and motel employees A00642 Relates to requirements for metropolitan transportation authority hearings for proposed fare increases, major reductions of transportation and/or major service changes A00645 Authorizes the presence of epinephrine auto-injector devices on pre-school premises A00647 Prohibits the sale of electronic cigarettes that contains certain toxic metals and requires the department of health to study the long term health effects of using electronic cigarettes A00652 Relates to providing for cage-free egg production A00654 Relates to penalties for owners of property who fail to file a proper or timely rent registration statement A00657 Relates to increasing the state excise tax on cigarettes A00658 Relates to requiring homeless shelters to keep an opioid antagonist on hand, have at least one trained employee on duty at all times, and develop a training plan for opioid overdoses A00659 Prohibits landlords from including incorrect information re rent decontrol in certain leases and renewals pertaining to units in the Affordable New York Housing Program A00660 Relates to requiring all parties to an annulment or divorce to remove religious barriers to remarriage A00662 Requires the location of a proposed charter school be included in the charter application A00664 Prohibits a person convicted of violating "Buster's Law" from owning or possessing a companion animal A00665 Relates to the creation of crime database of all convictions of animal cruelty A00667 Prohibits the use of leg-gripping traps A00668 Confinement of animals for food producing purposes A00669 Relates to imposing a commercial vacancy tax A00671 Relates to requiring a valid prescription in order to purchase, obtain or use an electronic cigarette; repealer A00690 Relates to aggravated cruelty to animals in the presence of a child A00692 Makes technical changes to certain provisions requiring epinephrine auto-injector devises to be made available in places of public assembly A00704 Relates to prohibiting employers from certain monitoring activities of employees working at home A00709 Revises proceedings to recover possession to prevent avoidable eviction and resulting homelessness; requires improved notice to the respondent A00710 Relates to the taking of wildlife without a permit A00713 Relates to notifying persons renewing their license of new traffic related laws A00714 Relates to the approval of certain public authorities contracts by the state comptroller A00721 Relates to witnesses to a health care proxy and the crime of forgery in the second degree A00722 Relates to the order of names on ballots for special elections A00723 Requires the installation of air quality monitors in all subway stations A00724 Relates to pet insurance A00725 Provides course work and training in HIV and STI testing A00726 Relates to requiring that attorneys be available to parents of minors and requiring that all interactions with children by child protective services and the administration for children's services are videotaped A00727 Prohibits the use of performance-enhancing drugs in horseracing A00728 Relates to requiring the department of labor to conduct a study on the potential impact of driverless vehicles A00729 Repeals subdivision 4 of section 1399-m-1 of the public health law, relating to exemptions for certain vapor products dealers from the prohibition of selling flavored products A00730 Increases certain penalties for violating the prohibition of animal fighting and for aggravated cruelty to animals A00731 Relates to repeat offenders of driving accidents A00732 Relates to the sale of birds by pet dealers when such birds have not yet been fully weaned A00736 Requires courses of study in private schools in the prevention of child sexual exploitation and child sexual abuse A00737 Exempts certain accounts established by not-for-profit corporations from application to the satisfaction of money judgments for bankruptcy purposes A00738 Relates to women's health in correctional facilities A00739 Directs the secretary of state to prepare and distribute to cities, towns and villages a model comprehensive outdoor lighting ordinance A00740 Relates to providing for the legal ownership of a companion animal A00741 Requires the installation and use of surveillance cameras in all racetracks A00742 Requires owners of multiple dwellings in N.Y. city to designate a secure space for packages to be delivered to A00754 Modifies the offense of forcible touching by removing the element of the actor's intent A00762 Requires all colleges with onsite housing to provide and maintain opioid antagonists A00769 Relates to reporting requirements for certain state funds A00771 Requires insurance coverage for early egg and peanut allergen introduction dietary supplements for infants at no cost A00773 Relates to the use of automated decision tools by banks for the purposes of making lending decisions A00774 Establishes protections for minors who are featured in influencer-generated content A00775 Establishes a tax exemption for buildings with bird-friendly design A00778 Directs the department of health to create an informational pamphlet concerning intrauterine devices A00786 Prohibits private colleges from collecting financial information from a student's non-custodial parent; requires that private colleges use student financial aid formulas that are arrived at independently A00790 Establishes an illegal cannabis retailer directory A00792 Relates to the definition of income for purposes of the senior citizen rent increase exemptions (SCRIE) program and the disability rent increase exemption (DRIE) A00794 Requires NYCHA to establish and maintain a vacancy database A00795 Requires the division of housing and community renewal to publish the results of annual audits of approved applications for temporary major capital improvement increases on its website annually A00796 Prohibits the declawing and descenting of ferrets A00798 Expands the requirements for teaching humane education to secondary school students A00802 Initiates a four-year moratorium on privatization voting by Mitchell-Lama building shareholders A00844 Requires that bidders and all others seeking state contracts disclose their percentage and number of female executives and board members A00850 Relates to establishing the crimes of cruelty to animals to threaten, intimidate or harass in the second degree and first degree A00858 Provides an exemption for drugs and medicines for companion and farm animals A00860 Establishes the "Maternal Health, Dignity and Consent act" A00863 Relates to requiring the department of labor to conduct a study on the impact of job automation A00868 Requires the office of temporary and disability assistance to provide an informational notice to supportive housing tenants A00870 Relates to removing the ten year time period from the crime of persistent sexual abuse A00871 Prohibits vivisection at colleges, universities, professional, proprietary or graduate schools where a scientifically and educationally satisfactory method or strategy exists A00873 Requires display of building numbers on all buildings to which numbers have been assigned A00874 Relates to the disqualification of school bus drivers for certain offenses involving children A00879 Provides that landlord's request for information regarding request to sublet shall be on forms prepared by housing agency A00880 Prohibits publicly owned treatment works from accepting wastewater associated with the exploration, delineation, development, or production of natural gas A00881 Relates to the permitted voluntary dissolution of a mutual company A00882 Relates to requiring a study to determine the effects that exposure to long range acoustic devices have on an individual's hearing A00884 Relates to the labeling of electronic cigarette products and packaging A00887 Provides that in New York city, the rent following the dissolution date shall be the last rent authorized for the affected dwelling A00888 Relates to prohibiting the state's participation in artificial pheasant propagation activities A00891 Confinement of certain animals for food producing purposes A00893 Prohibits restrictions on insurance policies based solely on the policyholder harboring or owning any dog of a specific breed or mixture of breeds A00897 Criminalizes knowingly causing a minor to attend a place where exhibition of animal fighting is being conducted A00900 Requires owners to provide prospective lessees with notification where lead-based paint or lead contaminated dust has been found in the rental unit A00903 Provides a rent increase exemption to persons with disabilities A00906 Relates to state policy regarding the preservation of the unique qualities of the nighttime sky A01292 Prohibits rental car companies and used car companies from renting, selling or leasing vehicles that have been recalled due to safety risks A01294 Prohibits disclosure of highway, bridge, tunnel and other thoroughfare toll and transit records, with exceptions A01303 Relates to the menstrual product safety and research act A01329 Relates to defining the practice of esthetics to include eyebrow threading services A01348 Relates to requirements for certain contracts for materials, supplies, or services A01357 Permits the witnessing and solemnization of a marriage ceremony and the issuance of a marriage license application or marriage license to be performed utilizing audio-video technology A01362 Relates to prohibiting the use of wastewater from high-volume hydraulic fracturing for road and land spreading A01363 Requires certain technology on cigarette tax stamps to prevent counterfeiting A01366 Relates to the authenticity, attribution and authorship of fine works of art A01369 Authorizes administrative enforcement of state and local housing maintenance laws A01383 Relates to protecting wildlife and maintaining safety A01388 Relates to the definition of coal tar and its use in pavement products A01393 Relates to modifying the penalties associated with passing a stopped school bus to include a mandatory driver education course A01397 Relates to allergy awareness and training in restaurants A01410 Requires entities that submit records to state agencies that are excepted from disclosure under FOIL to periodically re-apply for the exception A01413 Relates to requiring landlords to allow for the estate of a deceased tenant to enter the property for sixty days following the death of the tenant A01415 Creates privacy standards for electronic health products and services A01416 Requires the state board of elections to develop a program to be administered by all boards of elections to notify voters of certain information where their area has been redistricted A01417 Prohibits landlords from using algorithmic devices to set the amount of rent to charge a residential tenant A01418 Relates to the use of certain residential dwellings by tenants who left the dwelling temporarily due to the health impacts of COVID-19 A01419 Requires notice of enforcement of a lien on goods in a self-storage facility to be sent to an emergency contact designated by the occupant A01420 Requires that nuisance wildlife control operators disclose to the client that euthanasia may be used to resolve a wildlife related problem A01421 Relates to the overpayment of insurance claims A01432 Relates to codifying animal cruelty laws under the penal law; repealer A01442 Relates to allowing a jury instruction stating biometric evidence shall not be dispositive in the jury's decision A01445 Provides for rules and regulations for state aid reimbursement for the purchase of opioid antagonists by municipalities A01447 Relates to the use of facial recognition and biometric information for determining probable cause A01496 Relates to waivers of rent adjustments attributable to major capital improvements A01497 Relates to the remediation and prevention of indoor mold A01498 Removes provisions prohibiting N.Y. city from strengthening rent regulation laws to provide more comprehensive coverage than state laws A01501 Prohibits requiring that an individual have a court proceeding initiated against them in order to qualify for a rent arrears grant or ongoing rental assistance A01502 Provides for the restriction of substances in menstrual products A01503 Relates to making certain housing programs available regardless of immigration status A01504 Removes the requirement that rent arrears be repaid A01505 Establishes a residential condominium owner's bill of rights A01506 Relates to rent registration statements filed by a limited liability company A01507 Requires shelter allowances be set at up to one hundred percent of the fair market rent for the local social services district A01510 Relates to the timely cashing of rent checks A01523 Designates rescue cats as the official state cat A01524 Relates to financial statements for assessments of condos, cooperative buildings and cooperative communities A01525 Directs the department of agriculture and markets to establish a grading system A01526 Imposes penalties for non-compliance of division of housing and community renewal orders A01530 Relates to services for victims of domestic violence; repealer A01536 Requires that any disposition of land or buildings by the New York City Housing Authority be subject to and comply with the provisions of New York City's Uniform Land Use Review Procedure A01537 Prohibits the use of DNA phenotyping in criminal prosecutions and proceedings A01538 Requires a school library media specialist in each elementary, intermediate, middle, junior high and senior high school A01539 Relates to information available pertaining to rental histories of rent-stabilized units through FOIL applications A01542 Allows voters to take photographs of themselves and their ballot, or absentee ballot, while in a privacy booth, and to share and disseminate such photographs on social media A01543 Requires absentee ballots to be provided to all qualified voters; repealer A01548 Relates to the admissibility of certain testimony and evidence by a person alleging discrimination A01553 Requires companies aided by loans under Mitchell-Lama to notify tenants of buy out from mortgage options and a report by the commissioner or supervising agency A01555 Prohibits the nonemergency application of pesticide or lawn care pesticide within any municipal park lands and lands under the jurisdiction of the state office of parks, recreation and historic preservation A01557 Relates to the prohibition of certain acts in rodeos A01558 Requires retailers to post warning signs of the tracking of customers through cell phones or other electronic devices A01559 Creates the lymphedema and lymphatic diseases research grants program and creates the lymphatic disease research and education fund A01560 Relates to professional misconduct of medical professionals A01561 Relates to grounds where no landlord-tenant relationship exists A01563 Relates to information to be provided with all new and renewal leases for certain housing accommodations A01564 Requires comprehensive training for school bus drivers and school bus attendants in the discouragement, prevention and detection of harassment, bullying and discrimination A01565 Establishes the homeless protection act which designates certain offenses against homeless persons as hate crimes A01567 Prohibits the fraudulent use of an architect's seal by a developer and provides penalties for violations A01568 Prohibits landlords from refusing to deal with certain people solely because those people were involved in prior summary proceedings A01569 Relates to requiring boards of elections to include the number of registration forms distributed to and returned by each agency assisting with voter registration in their annual reports A01574 Initiates a five-year moratorium on the dissolution of any urban rental Mitchell-Lama company and establishes a Mitchell-Lama housing program study A01576 Relates to adjournments for right to counsel A01592 Relates to the standard of proof for determination of eligibility for public housing based upon remaining family member status A01593 Relates to state assistance for food and vet expenses for guide dogs, hearing dogs and service dogs of individuals qualifying for social services; repealer A01607 Relates to the provision of breast pumps to certain incarcerated birth parents and allowing children to remain with their incarcerated birth parent for a period of time A01608 Relates to penalties for failure to comply with maintenance and reporting of vacant and abandoned properties, and reporting and release of information A01610 Sets out the procedures and requirements for special elections A01611 Relates to effectiveness of judgments entered by the New York City environmental control board; repealer A01612 Authorizes emergency medical care personnel to provide basic first aid to dogs and cats A01613 Provides a private right of action for nail specialists aggrieved by their employer in the case of a health and safety violation or retaliatory action A01616 Enacts the "Big Five African Trophies Act" relating to banning the importation, transportation and possession of certain African wildlife species and products A01617 Relates to potential tenants with a criminal history; and relates to public housing applicants with a criminal history A01618 Prohibits warehousing of housing accommodations and harassment of tenants; provides penalties therefor A01619 Eliminates the MTA's exemption from environmental quality review standards established by article 8 of the environmental conservation law A01620 Relates to the liability of an employee committing an unlawful discriminatory practice A01621 Requires a landlord to have clean hands to bring action for rent or eviction in certain cases A01622 Relates to unlawful tenancies under the emergency tenant protection act of 1974 A01624 Relates to creating a set of media literacy standards for students in grades kindergarten through twelve A01627 Ensures zoning lot mergers do not create any new non-compliance with applicable, pre-existing zoning regulations A01628 Requires the coverage of alternative treatment options by the medical assistance program and private insurers A01629 Includes certain programs and facilities in the definition of provider or provider agency A01630 Establishes the crimes of sexual conduct with an animal resulting in injury or death and sexual conduct with an animal A01636 Prohibits the sale or provision of any quantity of electronic liquid used to refill an electronic cigarette or cartridge A01637 Limits a candidate to one authorized committee per election; defines "multi-candidate committee"; provides that such a committee may not be an authorized committee A01638 Creates the toxics information clearinghouse A01639 Requires the establishment of a plant-based agriculture grant program A01640 Requires landlords to replace a lock on a tenant's door when domestic violence is alleged A01641 Removes statute of limitations for certain civil actions related to child sexual assault offenses A01642 Provides for the determination of legal regulated base date rent for certain purposes A01643 Relates to authorizing the creation of an air rights database for the city of New York A01644 Provides for the suspension of public assistance to owners of privately owned residential housing in New York city who are in violation of certain housing standards A01645 Requires higher education research facilities to make available certain information regarding the adoption of dogs or cats A01646 Extends the answer time when a major capital improvement rent increase has been filed to ninety days A01647 Relates to decriminalizing the possession of buprenorphine A01648 Relates to the care and collection of animals on vacant property A01649 Relates to the cleaning of playground equipment after pesticide exposure A01650 Relates to removing the requirement that physical injury be caused under the crimes of aggravated sexual abuse in the third and fourth degrees A01651 Relates to the ability of a fare-paying passenger in a transportation network company vehicle and the driver of such vehicle to consent to sexual activity inside such vehicle A01652 Relates to a tax credit for employment of an individual who has successfully completed a judicial diversion substance abuse treatment program or graduated from drug court A01653 Requires assisted living facilities to notify residents of changes to medical and support services 180 days prior to such changes taking effect A01655 Clarifies the definition of floor area A01656 Prohibits naming dependent children under the age of 18 in petitions to recover possession of real property and eviction warrants A01657 Relates to requiring health insurers to offer coverage of health care provided by out-of-network providers A01662 Relates to contact information on motor vehicle accident reports for commercial enterprises A01663 Amends certain definitions relating to tobacco products and changes the minimum pack sizes for tobacco products and the tax amount for tobacco products A01664 Relates to dysmenorrhea and use of sick leave A01665 Requires certain school staff members to be trained in the Heimlich maneuver A01666 Establishes a climate change education grant program A01667 Relates to establishing an office of antibiotic resistance control and to establishing the antibiotics education fund A01669 Requires the reporting and monitoring of a minor whose parent, legal guardian or care-giver of a minor is arrested or taken into custody A01670 Prohibits the use of restraints on incarcerated individuals during labor, absent extraordinary circumstances, and on pregnant persons during a custodial interrogation A01671 Requires instruction in anti-gun violence in all schools A01672 Prohibits contracts for the purchase or financing of a dog, cat, or rabbit from including provisions allowing repossession of the animal A01683 Restricts sales tax exemptions on fur-bearing articles of clothing or footwear A01685 Prohibits the breeding, sale, trade, purchase, importation, and exportation of red-eared slider turtles A01686 Enacts the healthy, safe and energy efficient outdoor lighting act to reduce harmful outdoor lighting A01687 Prohibits the packaging, sale and distribution of confectionery and candy designed to resemble a tobacco product A01689 Requires the appointment of an assistant district attorney in each county to oversee the prosecution of animal crimes A01692 Relates to prohibitions on single-use food service items A01693 Establishes the housing people and animals together grant program A01694 Relates to the protection of public health from exposure to radon in natural gas A01695 Authorizes the awarding of punitive damages to persons aggrieved by sexual harassment A01699 Increases the penalties for leaving the scene of an accident involving an electric scooter without reporting in the first and second degrees A01704 Relates to establishing the housing access voucher program A01705 Relates to the inclusion of batteries used in bicycles with electric assist in the rechargeable battery recycling program A01706 Authorizes and directs the commissioner of education to conduct a study regarding ecological literacy and healthy living curriculum in schools, and to provide recommendations in a report A01709 Prohibits the sale of any vapor or tobacco products containing the substance ethyl menthane carboxamide A01713 Requires health insurance coverage for lymphedema A01715 Provides for a transfer fee of 75% of the fair market value in dissolution or sales of a rental project or mutual company A01720 Establishes patient safety and quality assurance measures regarding the distribution of patient-specific medication from an insurer-designated pharmacy A01724 Establishes the "Hunger-Free Campus Act" A01728 Requires alternating high and low, two-toned signal devices on emergency services vehicles A01729 Creates an affordable housing relief fund program to preserve affordable multifamily residential properties located in New York state A01737 Imposes civil penalties on landlords for including unenforceable provisions in residential leases A01738 Enacts the vicarious liability for housing discrimination act of 2025 A01740 Provides access to menstrual products in toilet facilities in certain public buildings A01741 Relates to establishing a temporary state commission to rename any projects, infrastructure, facilities or sites within the state which are named after or include any reference to Robert Moses A01745 Provides for licensure of school psychology practitioners A01748 Requires certain eligible persons or entities to acquire and possess opioid antagonists A01756 Establishes a pregnant persons' bill of rights A01764 Establishes a private right of action against gun industry members for marketing firearms and firearm related products to minors A01768 Prohibits landlords from including additional services in a tenant's base rent A01769 Relates to maintaining a database of vacant residential housing units, imposing a real property tax on such vacant units, and funding affordable housing development A01773 Places limits on rent adjustments for major capital improvements A01774 Prohibits the purchase of more than 1 firearm during any period of 30 days A01777 Relates to the regulation of three-dimensional printed firearms A01779 Includes broadband access in the scoring and ranking criteria of the New York State low-income housing tax credit program A01782 Relates to the delivery of telehealth services by veterinarians A01787 Provides that upon sale of a limited-profit housing company project, reserve and surplus funds must be held in escrow and dedicated to major capital improvements A01788 Provides for certain presumptions for reckless driving and the implementation of a reckless driving and vehicular violence awareness component of the pre-licensing course for driver's licenses A01804 Relates to wild or exotic animals A01809 Relates to the storage of evidence by law enforcement agencies A01810 Relates to a housing authority's disposition of property A01813 Relates to collection, storage or transmission of personal information collected from smart home systems A01816 Adds animal fighting to the definition of criminal activity for purposes of enterprise corruption crimes A01817 Defines closed period of eligibility for purposes of certain supplemental security income and includes such time period in the eligibility requirements of such supplemental security income A01823 Relates to insurance requirements for third-party food delivery services A01826 Relates to the disclosure and consideration of gender wage disparity in the awarding of state contracts A01827 Requires the notification of individuals that certain work-study, internship, externship or other work placements meet the work requirements of title nine-B of the social services law A01830 Provides that the sale of real property owned by the N.Y. city housing authority to a private entity must be approved by the state legislature A01835 Prohibits the use of primates in entertainment acts A01839 Relates to limited-profit housing companies A01841 Relates to releasing victims of domestic violence from certain contracts A01846 Provides internet access and access to internet-enabled devices to recipients of public assistance and to adults and children in shelters and similar facilities A01850 Establishes a tax credit for personal property replacement as a result of bedbug infestation A01854 Requires information to be posted concerning sidewalk sheds and scaffolds in NYC A01856 Requires the development of mental illness training for providers of temporary housing A01858 Prohibits discrimination on the basis of a person's height or weight in opportunities of employment, housing, and access to public accommodations A01860 Prohibits certain agencies from charging for the process of a FOIL request made by state and local agencies or the state legislature A01863 Relates to notice regarding the rent increase exemption for low income elderly persons and persons with disabilities programs A01865 Relates to the installation of appliances or fixtures by tenants A01867 Relates to requirements for a building owner to refuse to renew a lease under the real estate industry stabilization code A01868 Provides for the authority of the department of health to engage in or support research on the health effects of artificial night light A01873 Requires the New York city housing authority to provide adequate and reliable internet service for all housing authority residents A01874 Relates to monetary penalties that a parking violations bureau may impose for illegally idling the engine of a motor vehicle A01876 Relates to rent registration statements to be filed for vacant units A01878 Exempts IRAs and Roth IRAs in the calculation of household benefits under public assistance programs A01883 Directs the department of taxation and finance to create and implement an online program which will enable New York state taxpayers to electronically file income tax returns free of charge A01885 Promotes understanding, awareness and enforcement of animal crimes laws; repealer A01886 Requires landlord to grant access to engineer or architect hired by tenants to inspect major capital improvements in certain multiple dwellings A01888 Prohibits the operation of horse drawn cabs in the city of New York; repealer A01889 Establishes the residential open green space tax abatement for certain properties in N.Y. city A01896 Relates to establishing a training program for first responders for responding to victims of suspected drug overdose and the administration of opioid antagonists A01898 Prohibits using toxic ammunition in the taking of wildlife A01901 Relates to redetermination based on income for a tax abatement for rent-controlled and rent regulated property occupied by senior citizens or persons with disabilities A01911 Relates to the establishment of the wellness program privacy act A01912 Directs the department of financial services to study health insurance coverage through the Marketplace A01917 Relates to the training requirements for prescribers of certain pain medications A01920 Prohibits entry to gun shows to anyone under twelve years of age A01923 Relates to prohibitions on fur products A01937 Relates to patient counseling before issuing a prescription for a schedule II opioid A01939 Limits animal dealers exempt under the provision of article 7 of such law relating to the licensing, identification and control of dogs A01941 Relates to protections and rights afforded to delivery network company workers A01943 Relates to providing copies of medical records to patients A01945 Authorizes veterinarians to provide free veterinary care services to individuals in shelters to receive mandatory continuing education credit A01946 Relates to the definition of income for tax abatement for rent-controlled and rent regulated property occupied by senior citizens or persons with disabilities A01948 Establishes an affordable independent senior housing assistance program A01950 Relates to health care proxy information on driver's licenses; repealer A01952 Requires employers and employment agencies to notify candidates for employment if machine learning technology is used to make hiring decisions A01953 Restricts the locations of gunsmiths and dealers in firearms in relation to day cares, educational facilities, and places of worship A01954 Prohibits the manufacture, distribution, sale and use of nail polish and nail hardener containing certain dibutyl phthalates (DBP), toluene, formaldehyde, formaldehyde resin, camphor, ethyl tosylamide, or xylene A01955 Requires a parent, law guardian or person legally responsible for a minor to be present during questioning by a peace or police officer A01957 Relates to establishing the offense of false pretense A01959 Relates to reregulating units that were illegally deregulated from rent control or rent stabilization A01960 Relates to directing the department of health to study the potential health risks and effects of glyphosate and its by-product aminomethylphosphonic acid A01964 Relates to permitting lessees the option to pay security deposits in installments A01966 Includes wildlife animals as those subject to the animal cruelty provisions A01968 Requires non-preferential opportunity for use of amenities in certain buildings and apartments A01976 Relates to regulation of toxic chemicals in pet products A01984 Requires climate change and sustainability education in elementary and high schools A01986 Exempts the sale of fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, heat sensors and carbon monoxide detectors from sales and use taxes A01987 Provides for the humane removal of downed animals A01997 Relates to analysis of data in the prescription monitoring program registry A01999 Creates the women and high-wage, high-demand, nontraditional jobs grant program; appropriation A02019 Relates to aggravated cruelty to animals A02023 Relates to a cap on security deposits for residential leases of one year or longer A02070 Requires medical assistance to be provided to victims of domestic violence to care for and treat any scarring resulting from the domestic violence incident A02075 Requires child restraint systems to be equipped with sensors A02076 Enacts the "New York state green new deal for public housing act" A02077 Prohibits the purchase of single-use plastic bottles by the state and any governmental entity or political subdivision or public benefit corporation thereof A02081 Relates to the department of buildings keeping records regarding fatal construction accidents A02082 Relates to pension income and tax abatement for rent-controlled and rent regulated property occupied by senior citizens or persons with disabilities A02086 Expands the exemption provided to professional journalists and newscasters from contempt to include employment or association with a web log A02092 Relates to requiring licensed slaughterhouses to have a closed circuit camera and television system in all areas with live animals A02128 Prohibits the storage of flavored vapor products near where vapor or tobacco products are sold at retail or wholesale A02133 Prohibits the sale of certain intravenous containers A02141 Provides for the protection of health information A02143 Requires duly incorporated humane societies, a duly incorporated society for the prevention of cruelty to animals, pet dealers, or any pound microchip stray animals A02151 Establishes the problem gambling advisory council A02153 Provides for the use of glucagon emergency injection kits by persons other than licensed health care professionals A02205 Requires disclosure of sexual offense convictions and judgments against physicians A02208 Relates to conversions of real property in public housing developments in relation to the RAD program A02210 Relates to out-of-state investigations and warrants for legally protected health activity in New York state A02251 Enacts regulations of perchloroethylene dry cleaning facilities, including phase-out from residential buildings A02253 Relates to authorizing and establishing a training program for paramedics for the administration of buprenorphine A02275 Relates to the availability and use of opioid antagonists on trains A02276 Prohibits chain restaurants from charging extra for non-dairy alternatives in beverages A02277 Relates to the electrification of the Manhattan Cruise Terminal A02278 Requires that pharmacies that are discontinuing to notify customers of such discontinuance A02280 Relates to adding certain notice requirements for enforcing liens on goods in self-storage facilities A02286 Repeals provisions of the administrative code of the city of New York relating to the establishment of maximum base rents using the maximum gross building rental formula; repealer A02287 Relates to including the illegal conversions of dwelling units in the definition of harassment A02288 Prohibits any licensee who maintains, conducts or operates a parking lot or garage from increasing its schedule of rates by greater than ten percent over a twelve month period A02310 Relates to requiring mental health practitioners to receive training on substance use disorder, the specific needs of the substance use disorder community and co-occurring disorders A02381 Requires digital billboards to display each image for at least 60 consecutive seconds A02420 Requires that plaintiffs no longer have to prove that a sexual offense occurred on the premises of, chattels or property belonging to a corporate entity A02421 Relates to prohibiting the operation of establishments where animals and/or fowls are slaughtered or butchered for food A02422 Relates to recovery of certain housing accommodations by a landlord A02427 Enacts hazing offenses and anti-hazing educational programs at educational institutions; repealer A02428 Requires that free menstrual products be provided in the bathrooms of private colleges and universities A02619 Limits the amount of rent increases for residential ground lease cooperative apartment buildings and establishes certain rights upon the expiration of such leases A02629 Requires reporting of a criminal conviction and sentence of a physician A02645 Prohibits the purchase and use of glyphosate by certain entities A02709 Excludes certain owners of single family residential rental properties from being eligible for credits for interest payments and depreciation for such rental properties A02714 Includes coverage for menstrual products under the supplemental nutrition assistance program A02729 Requires landlords to give tenants the option of rent reporting A02741 Relates to review of certain contracts of a limited-profit housing company A03022 Provides for priority status to victims of human trafficking for the receipt of certain assistance A03033 Relates to the practice of acupuncture and certain exemptions A03038 Establishes a right of action for claims arising out of coerced debts A03040 Relates to temporary certificates of compliance or occupancy A03046 Relates to methods used to capture or dispose of nuisance wildlife A03052 Relates to animal insurance policies A03056 Relates to notification of the national bone marrow program; repealer A03059 Relates to recycling electronic cigarettes A03063 Prevents nonresident race horse owners from avoiding use tax in certain situations; repealer A03065 Relates to local government authority to prohibit trade in real fur products A03066 Restricts the use of total release fogging pesticides A03069 Requires the provision of assistive listening systems in New York state public transportation terminals A03072 Requires certain affordable housing units to be subject to rent stabilization A03074 Requires reporting of positive cytomegalovirus results A03076 Requires disclosure in human rights claims of government funding by the respondent A03080 Relates to the disposition of abused farm animals A03082 Requires instruction on vaccine science in every middle school and every high school A03095 Relates to the investment of funds wagered on video lottery gaming for certain horse races; repealer A03100 Relates to the right of tenant association to have the first option to purchase a housing unit A03115 Relates to compensation for injury or death of a companion animal A03116 Requires health practitioners to discuss with patients the risks associated with certain pain medications before prescribing such medications A03117 Provides additional protections at reproductive health clinics A03120 Provides reimbursement for transportation to and from inpatient and outpatient diagnosis and treatment of substance use disorder A03121 Prohibits residential landlords from charging tenants with fees for the payment of rent through an automated clearing house or online payment system A03122 Relates to funding the animal population control fund A03123 Provides that the commissioner of labor shall notify the commissioner of taxation and finance of certain violations of the labor law A03125 Relates to the use of automated decision tools by landlords for making housing decisions A03128 Relates to requiring schools to conduct annual lead testing A03134 Enables prosecutors to access orders of protection issued in association with sealed prior domestic violence cases A03137 Exempts poll workers from the obligation to pay New York state income tax on income earned on an election day A03139 Authorizes Medicaid coverage to disabled persons attending an out-of-state college or university who are in need of continuous medical care A03140 Creates special proceedings for freedom of information law and open meetings law reviews A03144 Requires 10% of the penalties imposed by the superintendent of financial services to be deposited in the community development financial institution fund A03150 Prohibits the importing, possession, or sale of any part or product of the skin or body of a kangaroo for commercial purposes A03151 Prohibits the aerial and ground application of malathion and certain pyrethroid-based insecticides A03154 Relates to a pedestrian's right of way A03156 Permits tenants heat repair expense to be set off against rent A03157 Relates to distinctive license plates for society for the prevention of cruelty to animals officers A03158 Requires the court to require a mental health evaluation when a person is convicted of certain crimes pertaining to animal fighting and aggravated cruelty to animals A03159 Mandates commercial insurance coverage of peer support services as part of treatment for substance use disorder A03160 Relates to issuing a certificate of compliance to any employer who achieves a gender pay gap of 10% or less A03162 Provides access to live scan fingerprinting to society for the prevention of cruelty to animals officers A03163 Requires the instruction of state and local government in elementary and middle schools in the state A03164 Relates to requiring hotels and motels to notify employees of the presence of bedbugs on the premises and requires development of training on eradication of bedbugs A03165 Relates to requiring telephone corporations, cable television companies, and internet service providers to automatically refund their customers when their service is not working A03166 Restricts individuals from owning a companion animal after being convicted of certain crimes involving animals A03169 Relates to the disclosure of information on the fiscal health of a condominium, cooperative apartment building or cooperative community A03172 Relates to reckless driving; relates to culpability regarding criminal homicide involving the use of a motor vehicle A03173 Requires school meal nutritional facts and ingredient list be provided for such meals A03175 Relates to providing student onboarding and ongoing education on reproductive health services A03177 Requires the mobilization of the New York guard for certain power outages and requires power outage restoration training for members of the New York guard A03183 Directs the commissioner of education to establish a commission to study the needs of adolescents and the effect that school day start times have on students A03184 Creates the rescued animals spay and neuter fund A03189 Relates to creating a company climate report system to assess the workplace environment of companies doing business in New York A03190 Requires licensed day care facilities to contact a child's parent or guardian if they are absent from day care without providing prior notice A03192 Establishes a credit against income tax for service dogs A03193 Relates to prohibiting discrimination against a person based upon weight A03203 Relates to limited profit housing companies A03214 Relates to the installation of radiator covers A03215 Establishes a tax credit for rent paid on the personal residence of certain taxpayers A03218 Prohibits the recording of conveyances suspected of being fraudulent A03222 Prohibits the sale of disposable electronic cigarettes A03245 Changes the default standard on statutory health proxy forms regarding life-sustaining treatment standards A03526 Provides for the licensure of lactation consultants and the establishment of a lactation consultant licensing board A03528 Relates to acts of animal cruelty in the presence of a child A03930 Regulates the use of artificial intelligence in aiding decisions on rental housing and loans A03936 Requires the office of addiction services and supports to collect certain demographic data A03956 Requires cytomegalovirus screening for every newborn A03957 Relates to rent impairing violations and eviction proceedings A03965 Relates to contracting for certain construction projects by public housing authorities A04002 Prohibits discriminatory advertisement practices in relation to the sale or renting of housing A04352 Relates to determination of public assistance eligibility A04362 Relates to liability of certain agencies for negligence in the placement of a child; extend jurisdiction of the court of claims A04916 Relates to the enactment of the Safer Consumption Services Act A04926 Relates to the definition of an indoor area; and to repealing certain provisions of the public health law relating thereto A04947 Relates to enacting the NY privacy act A04994 Provides grounds for attachment and relates to procedures where employees may hold shareholders of non-publicly traded corporations personally liable for wage theft A05350 Exempts first-time homebuyers from the mortgage recording tax A05381 Requires annual audits of limited-profit housing companies A05392 Expands the definition of epinephrine devices to include epinephrine nasal sprays A05401 Requires annual inspections of Mitchell-Lama buildings; requires notification and certifications A05436 Relates to preventing discrimination and increasing awareness about menopause and perimenopause A05444 Provides insurance coverage for perimenopausal and menopausal care and treatment A05455 Requires the office for the prevention of domestic violence provide informational materials on removing an abuser's access to a smart home A05815 Relates to orders of protection with respect to companion animals A05821 Relates to media literacy education A05905 Requires affordable housing units to be equally distributed throughout building projects A05961 Requires the disposal of copies of identification documents A05964 Relates to health care proxy information on driver's licenses A05966 Relates to requiring notification by mortgagees commencing foreclosure actions to aid in the identification and improvements of at-risk properties A06170 Requires the replacement of certain rent stabilized housing accommodations A06556 Includes consideration of evidence of recent acts of aggravated cruelty to animals as a factor to be considered when determining whether grounds for a temporary extreme risk protection order exist A06570 Establishes a parent and education awareness program A06596 Requires Medicaid to cover gender-affirming care regardless of federal funding, and prohibits discriminatory practices by health care entities A06627 Relates to sex offenses involving mental health care providers
Prime-Sponsored Legislation, Introduced by Rules
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Co-Sponsored Legislation:
Co-Sponsored Legislation, Introduced by Rules
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Multi-Sponsored Legislation:
Multi-Sponsored Legislation, Introduced by Rules
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